Campus Life

Nainjyot Gandhi, BBA LL.B (Batch 2012-17)

If you are a dreamer, come in
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar
A hope-er , a pray-er , a magic bean buyer
If you are a pretender, come sit by my fire.
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in! Come in!
-Shel Silverstien

That is the aura that SLS Noida has been radiating since my first day at college. As I entered the threshold of SLS, there was an aura of sheer professionalism oozing out. SLShas provided me with a platform and has been a portal for my imagination.

Transition from high school to college isn’t as simple as it seems. Like a butterfly leaves the comfort zone of the cocoon to explore the real world so have I. College life has been a roller coaster ride, something which was unexpected. It’s a bitter sweet experience ‘cause it becomes a home away from home. We have a very open faculty who has been encouraging our baby steps. Our Director has been very supportive especially to us, first years and it’s truly commendable that he knows each one of us by our names within the first two months.

College life is refreshingly different for it signifies independence, freedom to make our own decisions and doing things on our own. And like with rights comes duties, college brings a lot of responsibilities and teaches us how to adjust.

SLS has been instrumental in making a change in our lives by providing us with a plethora of opportunities and a recurring deposit of guidelines by the extraordinary faculty. It has provided us with endless exposure to guest lectures, an extra-ordinary ice breaking session (Fresher’s-Glam Your Name), and Literature Society to relish our literary buds.

The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Every student has within…a fire waiting to be ignited, potential waiting to be tapped and passion waiting to be directed….and that’s what SLS aims to do….ignite young minds. SLS has helped me shape a human being imbued with a sense of responsibility and empowered with the ability to pave the way for growth and change. I hope to graduate through these portals with wings of fire.

Nainjyot Gandhi